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Transforming lives

Meet some of the dogs whose lives have been changed by BIOME9


Breed: Jack Russell x Dachshund
Sex: Female
Neutered: Yes
Diet: Home-cooked/Fresh

The problem:

Symptoms: Acid reflux, anxiety, abdominal pain, joint pain
Illnesses: Hypothyroidism, Pancreatitis

Background (reason for test):

Cocoa’s owner came to us due to many food intolerance related gut issues, alongside unexplained behavioural changes.

The Results

Cocoa’s test results show an increase in overall balance between species, as well as detection of 3 additional, important species.

Greatly improved microbial diversity, reduced abdominal tightness, calmer, less reactivity, less humping, and her vet reduced medication for hypothyroidism, due to increased gut absorption of the medication.



Breed: Akita
Sex: Male
Neutered: Yes
Diet: Insect protein

The problem:

Symptoms: Anxiety, skin itching, aggression, behavioural changes, excessive grass eating, variable stools
Illnesses: Atopic/allergic skin disease, food allergy, mange

Background (reason for test):

Rodney is a rescue and had severe food allergies which prevented any dietary changes. The owner had previously tried over the counter probiotics, but saw no improvements.

The Results

Reduction of pathogens (phase 1) and rebalancing (phase 2) as well as major improvements in many health outcomes, including complete coat regrowth and cancellation of a biopsy by his vet.

Rodney’s two retest results initially show a decrease in relative abundance of bacterial species (including pathogens), before subsequently improving balance and abundance. 



Breed: Mixed (Estrela Mountain Dog, Segugio Italiano)
Sex: Male
Neutered: No
Diet: Raw meat

The problem:

Symptoms: Anxiety, diarrhoea, excessive grass eating, mucous in stools, soft stools
Illnesses: None

Background (reason for test):

Bobby was adopted from a rescue in November 2023. Since adoption, his diet has been changed to raw, and he has received a supplement program from another provider to address issues with his gut health, but it hasn’t made a difference. 

The Results

An increase in missing beneficial bacteria species and improvement in all health indicators alongside his InvisibleHealth® score.

Results show a noticeable change in microbial balance, detection of 2 additional beneficial species and a fivefold increase in Fusobacterium; crucial for amino acid metabolism and maintaining a balanced community.



Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Sex: Male
Neutered: Yes
Diet: Home-Cooked Meals

The problem:

Symptoms: Itching, allergies, mobility, energy, immunity
Illnesses: None

Background (reason for test):

Reggie is a senior dog who came to us due to persistent skin itching and allergies, which had been affecting his comfort and wellbeing. His owners were eager to help his joints, energy and immune function, all symptoms related to reduced diversity in older dogs like Reggie. 

The Results

Improved microbiome balance, diversity and resilience scores. All physiological health indicators improved. Owners reported reduced itching and improved energy. 

The retest results show a much more balanced microbiome, as seen at family level, and an increase in beneficial bacteria after starting the supplement plan, contributing to improved overall gut health and symptom reduction.



Breed: Cockapoo
Sex: Male
Neutered: Yes
Diet: Wet Food

The problem:

Symptoms: Itchy skin and paws, eating grass
Illnesses: None

Background (reason for test):

Despite an active and healthy lifestyle, Dexter started eating grass and chewing at his paws. 

The Results

Initial test results showed his microbiome was missing key beneficial bacteria which dramatically returned following supplementation, alongside major improvements in relative abundance of bacterial species. 

Grass eating, skin itching and paw chewing all stopped completely. Coat also became shinier and behaviour has noticeably improved at the dog park. 


Flossie & Ivy

Breed: Chihuahua
Sex: Female
Neutered: No
Diet: Wet Food
Environment: Live together

The problem:

Symptoms: Both struggle with poor stools, anxiety and grass eating
Illnesses: None

Background (reason for test):

Flossie & Ivy are two unrelated Chihuahuas living in the same environment, with the same age, weight and diet. Both struggled with behavioural issues, and their owner was having to clean them daily due to very poor stool quality. 

The Results

Both put on the same supplement plan. Both saw increased diversity, resilience, and InvisibleHealth® Scores, as well as firmer stools. Owner reported improved behaviour in Ivy, and better coat quality in both. 

Ivy had poor species richness and balance in her first test. Retest shows an increase in the species with low abundance, and a decrease in overabundant species. Substantial improvements in phyla balance, diversity, resilience and InvisibleHealth® Scores. Her scores for vitamin and mineral absorption, joint mobility and breath odour more than doubled, reflecting a positive shift in her overall health, driven by gut health changes.

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Backed by leading professionals

Used and endorsed by vets and canine professionals

  • "The tests help us make informed decisions about each puppy, critical to allowing us to monitor and understand their health and wellbeing at an early age to give them the best possible start."

    Rachel Moxon
    Veterinary Programme Leader, The GuideDogs UK

  • “The results really give clients an idea of how their dog’s gut microbiome could be contributing to their overall health and chronic disease, and offers a solution”.

    Dr. Vicky Simon BVetMed MRCVS
    Veterinary Surgeon

  • “As a veterinary professional, I find the link between gut health and behavioural changes both fascinating and valuable for informed treatment and care decisions”

    Rachael McCooey RVN
    Veterinary Nurse and Veterinary Physiotherapist

  • “Many clients approach their dogs' diet and nutrition with a “best guess”. BIOME9 offers an essential insight for clients into how healthy their dogs really are”

    James McMahon
    Registered Canine Behavioural Trainer

BIOME9 GutDiscovery® Results

During initial testing, 85% of dog owners reported gut health symptoms in their pets. We typically recommend retesting after completing a full 6 month supplement plan. However, over 80% observed noticeable improvements in their dogs from 8 weeks.

Who we’ve helped

Happy owners,
and even happier pets